Free and bold access.

“..We can boldly enter heaven’s Most Holy Place because of the blood of Jesus… Since we have a great High Priest who rules over God’s house, let us go right into the presence of God with sincere hearts fully trusting him. For our guilty consciences have been sprinkled with Christ’s blood to make us clean, and our bodies have been washed with pure water. Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise.”
(Hebrews 10:19-23. NLT)

“Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”
(Hebrews 4:16 NKJV)

 “Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.  For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.”
(Colossians 3:3-5)

Our new identity includes boldly walking into the throne room of heaven. Only family insiders have this identity.  

Think about being a guest of the king. You are standing with some other nobles in the throne room off to the side talking. You are only there by request of the King. You do not come and go before the king as you wish. Now imagine you suddenly hear the doors of the throne room open. This surprises you because you did not hear the king’s chamberlain give announcement of anyone else being invited by the king. A young man walks through, but then continues directly to the throne itself. The young man does not even announce himself or do any of the formal greetings or acknowledgements that you a noble had to do when you entered before the king’s presence. The young man walks up to the king and the king has a smile on this face. The man asks the king for a beautiful piece of property to build a house on. The king says, “it is yours.” Who is this man? The man says, “thank you father.” Ah! This young man is an insider, he is a son.

According to Hebrews this young man is you, and the king is God. Angles and other created beings will never be children of God as we are. We are family insiders. They can only watch and imagine what it would mean to be a child of God. We live the reality of being children of God.

Hebrews says that not only can we go to God’s throne room, but we can come with “confidence” and even “boldness.” This is like going to the throne unannounced and still approach with boldness. We can push open the doors to the throne room and walk with our heads held high as a beloved prince of heaven. Only loved insiders have this access.  We have such access.

The passage says we are to be conscience of the fact we are clean, holy and righteousness in God’s sight as we approach Him. Faith isn’t being conscience of our feelings or thoughts, but God’s feelings and thoughts. God thinks we are completely clean and pure in His sight. This is faith’s focus. A righteous noble, even if clean, cannot boldly approach like a beloved child. And so, beyond being clean and pure, God thinks we can boldly approach Him like a beloved child. This is what faith focuses on.

The passage goes on to say we can boldly approach to ask for help and have confidence to receive God’s help. Chapter 4 does not say we only ask, but who knows if our Father will help us. No. It says to boldly approach to “receive” help. As Vincent Cheung says in “The Absurd Idea of Need,” a need is anything you want. And Jesus defines a good father as giving a fish for a fish. Thus, this bold approach is going to King to receive what we want and our Father with gladness granting our request. Any thing less than this, is therefore, by definition not boldly approaching God with confidence, in light of Jesus finished atonement.

This is how the bible defines our relationship with our God.

Colossians says our lives are currently hidden with Jesus in heaven. In God’s mind, He considers us already part of Jesus’ body and as children of God. God’s thoughts and power are one and the same thing. What God thinks is reality, or becomes reality. Thus what God thinks in the most important thing. We are already so clean, glorified and exalted by God, that He thinks we are with Jesus even now. And so we are.

When we pray, we are already in heaven with Jesus. God considers us already there with His Son. God is not distant. He is near to us, and we are already near to Him. This is our new eternal identity.

Whether a Christian utilizes this new identity and bold access to God, in powerful application, is another issue; but the fact remains, we do have this bold access and we are already with Jesus as children of God.