
Crumbs Falling From My Mouth #1

*1 But seriously, how Wonderful was Jesus to heal all those people, insuring so many did not die before their time. Hezekiah without faith would have died 15 years before his time.

Satan wants God’s elect to be in pain, and time constraint with sickness and then an early death. The goal is to have all that effort and time, which could have been spent in ministry, family, faith and miracles, to be choked and stopped. Medicine is often expensive, time consuming and painful, and often does not work. Satan loves this. But Mr. Wonderful has saved us, bore our sickness and defeated Satan. Faith in Him brings life, health and extra time to spend on ministry, with family and expanding His kingdom.

Jesus, the true Mr. Wonderful, has commanded us to be like Him, through faith and the baptism of the same Spirit He ministered under. Therefore, all who follow Him will also be Mr. and Mrs. Wonderful.

*2 When one first becomes a Christian a frequent experience can be a focus on what not to do in our obedience, or negative. We came from the world and need to change directions for many behaviors. This is a natural focus based on the circumstances. And yet, we still focus on faith and power to receive the full gospel promises, such as healing and miracles. If taught correctly we learned all the basics of faith and began to work on all of it.

However, Paul says a doctrine for mature people is about receiving all the free good things that God has given us (1 Corinth. 2).

Therefore, as one matures, the focus is on more positive behaviors. It is about taking off all limitations for what God is able to do in us through faith. We do not want God to accuse us for making His arm short. Also, we take off all limitations for what we can do with faith. We realize that moving mountains is the starting point of our ability and not the end. We focus on wielding God’s power as our own. We focus on more power, more healing, more miracles, more purity, and more fruitfulness in all that we touch. We focus on binding and unlocking things on earth, as we see fit. We focus on casting out devils and expanding the kingdom of God. We focus on asking for the biggest types of prayers we can think and receive them.

*3 “Jesus replied to them, “Go and report to John what you hear and see: The blind receive their sight, the lame walk, those with leprosy are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the poor are told the good news,

and blessed is the one who isn’t offended by me.”
Matthew 11:4-6 CSB

Let us not be offended by Jesus healing people, and causing them to have great joy. Let us not be offended by Jesus healing all who came to Him. Let us not be offended by Jesus healing every single person who asked. Let us not be offended by Jesus raising the dead back to life, and causing their mothers to have great joy. Let us not be offended by Jesus preaching good news to the lowly.

Let us not be offended that Jesus healed, healed, healed and healed some more, rather than preaching the gospel more, or talking about sin or hell.

Jesus would not have said this, if there was not an issue of people being offended by Him healing so much.

He is not warning about being offended at His doctrine of sin or hell, but offended at Him freely giving so much good things to people with faith. This lines up with Paul’s definition in 1 Corinthians 2 that a message of wisdom for mature people is a message about freely receiving all the good things from God, and not a message about us sacrificing or giving. Immature and unspiritual people are offended at God freely giving good things. They are offended because they lack the intellectual aptitude and spiritual strength to freely receive healing, forgiveness, wealth and blessings for themselves. They then spend their time hindering God’s true children from receiving God good things out of spite and rebellion.

*4 The Bible would not condemn a pastor who heals the sick and casts out demons for not emptying out a hospital, any more than condemning Jesus for not healing all the sick in His hometown.

*5 The context of Paul saying a person is cursed if they reject the gospel he preaches (Galatians 1), is Paul defining the gospel (Galatians 3) as Jesus becoming our curse so that we inherit the blessing of Abraham. This blessing means the baptism of the Spirit and regular miracles. If someone rejects the baptism of the Spirit and miracles for us to experience now and regularly, then Galatians 1 would condemn them as cursed for preaching a different gospel.

It is traditionalist who use Paul’s doctrine of “preach another gospel and you are cursed,” to make it about justification by faith alone in grace, or to bash the health and wealth gospel. You cannot make this passage mean whatever you want it to mean. The context is not narrowly about forgiveness, nor is it about bashing miracles and speaking in tongues. Abraham was justified because He believed God would do miracles of healing, prosperity, fame, favor and excessive fruitfulness for him. Paul boils this down to “the Spirit and miracles,” and calls this the gospel that brought justification. Likewise, we are true children of Abraham and partakers of the same gospel (declared righteous by God) if we believe Jesus substituted our curses for the blessing of the Spirit (in context, Paul means the gospel of the baptism of the Spirit and miracles (Gala 3:5)).

*6 If demons do not scream with terror and the saints shout in joy for being healed, then your pastor’s righteousness does not exceed that of the Jewish leaders. If your church does not have regular miracles and healing, then it is not a biblical church; rather than a gathering of saints, its likely a gathering of demons.  As Benny Hinn once said, “A pastor who does not cast out demons, is likely influenced by one.”

*7 If you look at yourself and don’t see a righteous soul, with the very righteousness of God, then you are without God and without hope.

If you look at your soul and don’t see God’s power and authority to cast out sickness and move mountains then you are without God and are still a mere human.

Update: Had people remind me that “our righteousness is like filthy rags.” The only way for this to be true, for you in the present, is if you are still unsaved. Our unrighteousness or filthy rags were already credited to Christ, buried with Him and in God’s mind they are no more listed on our record sheet. If your record still has unrighteousness on it, you are still destined for hell. Either Jesus already removed your unrighteousness and exchanged it with His righteousness, or you are still unsaved. When Jesus helped widows and orphans and honored God above all, these righteous acts are now listed on my data sheet (God’s mind) as if I did them. They were credited to my account, by grace, apart from the law.

I have the righteousness of God. When I look inward, this is what I see. When I look inward I see a perfect record and it is perfect; it is perfection; it is blameless; I see a perfect soul. Indeed, when I look inward, I see God’s righteousness blazing like the midday sun. I see light, light and more light shining. How can this be some might ask? I see what God’s sees and decrees. God has made my soul perfect. Who am I to disagree with my Creator?

God did not credit Jesus’ righteousness to Himself, but to me. The bible denies pantheism. Thus, they are now part of “my” righteousness. We do not lose sight they are freely given from God as a gift, but the fact remains they are now seen as “my righteousness.” This is how God sees me, and so this is how I see me. Faith is a mental assent to the truths that God has revealed. If you do not see yourself as 100% pure and with God’s righteousness as your own, you do not agree with God’s word and are still an unbeliever.

However, imputed righteousness makes us (according to Romans 5) reign and rule in life as kings. Jesus is not merely a substitute for unrighteousness for righteousness, but also the curse of the law for the blessings of Abraham. This blessing means constant miracles and healing now. If you cannot believe God will do these good things for you, then you are not a child of Abraham, and neither has God declared you righteous in His sight. God declared Abraham righteous in His sight, when Abraham believed God would do all the great favors, blessings, healing, prosperity and blessings God promised. What if Abraham said, “I believe you can make me famous, but I do not believe I will have a child.” God would not have declared him righteous if he did that. The promises were a whole packaged deal. Abraham had to assent to all of it as true, or none of it. The same with the substitutionary atonement of Jesus. You cannot have confidence God has declared you righteous if you only assent to some of Jesus’ substitution, but reject parts like healing, prosperity and fruitfulness. You cannot assent I am Oshea Davis, while denying I have a head. If you confirm this, I can say that you do not know me. It is a packaged deal.

*8 “Aware of their discussion, Jesus asked them: “Why are you talking about having no bread? Do you still not see or understand? Are your hearts hardened?”
-Mark 8:17 NIV

Think about it. Jesus is rebuking them because they do not think in terms of the multiplication of material substance by faith. They feared a lack of food. And Jesus reminded them of the feeding of thousands by multiplying food in faith. When you have faith you don’t fear the lack of material substance because you should have faith to multiply it. This was Jesus’ rebuke. Jesus would rebuke us today for the same. We need to think in terms of faith and power.

*9 We have only 2 options. Either we blame God or we can blame our unbelief. Most choose to blame God and throw Him under the bus; they often disguise their disrespect under phrases such as “the will of God.” However for those who act like Christians and repent and correct their short comings in faith will find what they are looking for; they will see God single them out and praise them for their faith. He will say ” your faith saved you,” and “the mountain obeyed you,” and “I will give you more than you asked.”

God is not a liar. He says He will heal and give miracles if we believe. If there is a liar and unfaithfulness it is a man, not God. You cannot respect God without respecting His Word as true and by extension, His promises as the same. If He said it, He will do it.

*10 The friends of the paralyzed man brought him to Jesus for a miracle healing. It wasn’t his family but his friends who cared so much for him. Behold their zeal and love.

They did not bring him to a doctor but to God for a healing. They had to carry a heavy body through crowds and then up a house and lower him through a roof. This was not easy. Jesus publicly praised and admired them. God approved of their zeal and hard effort to bring their friend to get a miracle from God.

People demonstrate much time and hard work to get to the doctors, but only show 0.4% of the same time and hard work to get a miracle from God. God approves of faith that is not lazy but seeks Him until they get healed. He likes this.

Going to church is not working hard with faith. Corporate spirituality is not a necessary connection to faith. Hearing God’s word day and night, meditating on these and speaking these promises in faith does have a necessary connection to faith. There was a crowd but only the touch of faith received and others who were pressed up against Jesus did not. The work of faith is to believe you are healed with no fear that you will not get healed.

*11 When you must explain why certain actions to women and children are bad, it means you live in a society that does not even have a small Christian knowledge left in it.

When this is the case, you must address ethics from the presuppositional level, or you run the risk of talking over each other’s heads with irrelevance.

Christian ethics, or ethics that apply to reality, is God’s commandments. These are only known through God’s revelation, which is the scripture. They are only imparted to the mind by God, and not empiricism. There is no other foundation for ethics.

If we go by observation, we are only talking about descriptive premises (of metaphysics) of transient moments. To take this and conclude with “ethics” is always a category error, and would thrust such knowledge into skepticism. It is always a fallacy to make an “is” into an “ought.” But skepticism denies the law of contradiction and so it is false. Thus, it is false to say we get ethics from empiricism and observations. Blue is fast and 5 is a tree. This is no less a category error than saying we can observe ethics.

Christianity is the only place that the things needed for intelligence converge. Christianity is the only place that allows one to understand what an ethic is.

*12 God is the foundation of learning, not the limitations of man. Man-centered people judge reality by its limitations. As wicked as it may seem, they even judge God by their limitations.

Faith, however, judges what they are capable of doing by the ability of God.

*13 “And Abraham’s faith did not weaken,
even though, at about 100 years of age,
he figured his body was as good as dead—and so was Sarah’s womb.”
Romans 4:19.

What weakens faith according to this passage? Doubt. Where does the doubt come from? The scripture tells us from considering the 5 senses and our observation is the source of doubt. When we are dumb enough to think like atheists and presuppose knowledge comes from what we see, feel, and tough, then doubt comes in, and doubt weakens faith.

*14 Jesus didn’t say preaching is the Logical proof of God’s kingdom breaking in, but demons being cast out by the power of the Spirit is proof of His kingdom.

God’s Kingdom is Power.

If you want to testify about kingdom power, you will need kingdom power to do so.

See Luke 11:20

*15 I Have the Power of God

6 But Peter said, “I do not possess silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you: In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene—walk!” 7 And seizing him by the right hand, he raised him up; and immediately his feet and his ankles were strengthened. 8 And leaping up, he stood upright and began to walk; and he entered the temple with them, walking and leaping and praising God.
Acts 3:6-8 LSB

It was God’s power that healed the man, but Peter does not play today’s religious games. Peter did not use flowery “Christ-centered” this and “God’s glory” that. “I am nothing, and so I beg you God that you might heal this man if it is your will. Not what I have, but Your power.” (LOL. How are people so blind as to think such a prayer honors God and is a sign of humility, is wall punching hilarious.)

God’s power healed the man, but Peter says, “what I do have, I give you.”  He commanded the man to walk, then grabbed him and help the lame man up. And so, Peter had no issue claiming to have the power and authority of God; claiming to use it as he wants. Because the bible denies pantheism, then on the relative level, Peter is correct. He owned the power and authority of God to use at his disposal.

Yes, Peter did say “in Jesus’ name,” and this is part of our authority as believers. That is, we can use it when “we” want to. God gave this power and authority to us, not Himself. Peter possessed this power, and he was free to use it how he wanted. We are the same who are part of Jesus today. We have the same power, Spirit and authority. But it will take faith to use it.

*16 I Cast Down Troubles

Troubles will be formed against you, but they will not prosper against you, because you have defeated the world. Your faith in Jesus gives you participation in His victory.

Jesus did not command Himself to command the mountain to move; no, He commanded me to command the mountain to move. Jesus gave me His authority and righteousness. Jesus did not command me to pray and ask Him to move the mountain; no, He told me to command the mountain to move.. Most do the opposite and beg Jesus.

This is my inheritance and accountability to command troubles to get out of my way. How are weapons formed against me put down? By my command and words.

“But in that coming day no weapon turned against you will succeed. You will silence every voice raised up to accuse you. These benefits are enjoyed by the servants of the Lord; their vindication will come from me. I, the Lord, have spoken!”
Isaiah 54:17 NLT

“I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace and confidence. In the world you have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration; but be of good cheer [take courage; be confident, certain, undaunted]! For I have overcome the world. [I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you.]”
John 16:33 (AMP)

“Jesus replied, “Truly I tell you, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and it will be done. If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.””
Matthew 21:21-22 NIV

*17 In my experience, no matter how farfetched a heresy may seem, it almost always limits God. The only exception is if the doctrine directly takes glory that belongs to God and assigns it to man. Because God’s infinity, is well, infinite, and His sovereignty is direct and absolute, there is no bigger way to describe God and His ability than what the bible teaches. Take for example the Mormons teaching on us becoming a god and owning a planet. Despite what it might look like, this is a slap in the face of God by limiting Him. Only one planet? You got to be kidding me! Make it at least 100,000 planets, and then maybe the insult won’t be so bad.

God will not give up His praise, and we will never be worshiped as God, but God has highly exalted and glorified man in the gospel (1 Corinth 2:7, 3:22). In the next life there is no limit for good things God will give us. No man has seen or even considered how big it is. One planet. You might as well slap God in the face and be direct with your insults rather than play games like that.  Reality, and even time itself has been given to me in Christ, and you want to limit it to one small planet. Only a brain the size of a pea could think so small.

The lesson here is that all liberal theology, whether it is cessationism, free will, one planet, evolution, directly attacks God by limiting Him and by limiting who we are in Christ and limiting what we are able to accomplish in Him.